Simple alternatives for Home made healthy drinks and meals

I absolutely understand how time is of the essence and how we want to get the most out of any spare time we have.

We want to get the freshest, tastiest, most nutrient dense foods as quickly as we can.

I am going to share a few of my newly favorite alternatives, which can be done really quickly.

Firstly, a really detoxifying, immune enhancing drink;

infused  fruit bottleIngredients requiredJar nearly full of filtered water

                                        1 organic lemon, peeled and sliced

                                        3-4 slices of root ginger(if possible organic)

                                        3-4 chunks of cucumber

InstructionsFill jar with filtered water.Mix in rest of ingredients. Let marinade for at least 30 minutes.Drink and enjoy

This drink is such a healthy alternative to bottled fruit juice and carries with it great flavor and nutritional punch.

For a healthy alternative to mashed potatoes and canned baked beans, you can do mashed potatoes with mashed avocado.You can even add in a few nuts, such as cashew nuts, which give added Vitamin E, selenium and crunch.

Fresh market fruits and vegetablesYou can mix some beetroot, carrot and onion in the blender and add it as toppings to oatcakes, rice cakes or sweet potato.For added tang you can add the enriching apple cider vinegar.

There are plenty of recipes out there now.

A good thing to consider is adding green leafy vegetables to as many meals as you can.

Include seeds and/or nuts in at least one meal a day. Add in the super  foods, the onions, the cruciferous vegetables, the mushrooms, when you can.

At every meal try to include at least two foods which are going to really boost your nutrient uptake and overall health.

If we try to follow these guidelines we cannot fail to feed our wonderful bodies with the foods from which it can thrive.